Contact Information
Inquiries or questions about services and programs offered by JUST LIFE, INC. should be directed to:
Loretta E. Ebbitt, BS
Executive Director, JUST LIFE, INC.
4725 McKnight Road, Suite 120
PIttsburgh, PA 15237
Phone: 412-366-4066
Fax: 412-366-4411
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
To send us confidential information, please click on the SECURE EMAIL option on the webpage menu bar to access our company email portal. The portal will enable you to send a secure, encrypted email to the Just Life, Inc. office. First-time users will be prompted to register to create a new, secure password.
Loretta E. Ebbitt, BS
Executive Director, JUST LIFE, INC.
4725 McKnight Road, Suite 120
PIttsburgh, PA 15237
Phone: 412-366-4066
Fax: 412-366-4411
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
To send us confidential information, please click on the SECURE EMAIL option on the webpage menu bar to access our company email portal. The portal will enable you to send a secure, encrypted email to the Just Life, Inc. office. First-time users will be prompted to register to create a new, secure password.